What Are the Benefits of Having an Associate Degree?

An associate degree is a two-year college diploma that prepares students to enter the workforce or continue their education at the bachelor’s degree level. The advantages of having this degree are numerous, and they vary depending on whether the degree holder intends to work right away or pursue another degree. Those who seek employment after earning an associate’s degree will typically find that they are more employable and earn higher pay than those who do not. People who want to continue their education find that an associate degree saves them money and allows them to adjust to college life.

An associate degree is typically used for one of two purposes. It can help a student prepare for a particular career field giving him in-depth training in that field. For students who plan to transfer to a four-year program, it may also serve as the first year of a bachelor’s degree. An associate degree usually takes two years to complete and consists of about 20 classes. Students may attend classes on a traditional community college or university campus or take online classes, depending on the program.

Those who plan to start working right after finishing their associate degree will find that the degree has a number of advantages. To begin with, the American Association of Community Colleges estimates that people with this type of degree can earn up to 23% more money than those who have not completed their education beyond high school. Completing an associate program can also improve one’s employability providing skills and knowledge that are relevant to one’s chosen career path. In many fields, employers will only consider applications from people who have at least an associate’s degree.

An associate degree has a different set of advantages for those who plan to transfer to a four-year bachelor’s degree program. To begin with, associate program tuition fees are typically moderate to significantly lower than those charged for four-year programs. Students can save money completing their general education and elective requirements as part of an associate program, then transferring to a bachelor’s program and enrolling in classes in their chosen major. Students planning to transfer to a bachelor’s program should speak with a school counselor to ensure that credits earned during their associate program will transfer.

Finally, an associate program is frequently completed at a local community college, allowing students to stay at home while enrolled. As a result, associate students can avoid the often-exorbitant room and board costs. Furthermore, an associate program allows students who are unsure whether a bachelor’s degree is right for them to “try out” college without committing to a four-year program.