What does a Railroad Engineer do?

A railroad engineer is responsible for the safe operation of a railroad locomotive as well as adherence to railroad rules and regulations in general. The engineer is in charge of acceleration and braking, as well as other handling procedures, once the train is moving. This individual is also in charge of inspecting the locomotive prior to operation and ensuring that all equipment is in good working order and ready for use. These responsibilities necessitate that the railroad engineer has a thorough understanding of the train’s route and is prepared to respond to the terrain the train will encounter.

The railroad engineer is also in charge of keeping track of track conditions and station locations. The engineer must be ready to accelerate and decelerate the train in response to slopes and inclines, as well as any unexpected changes in track conditions, such as obstructions. The railroad engineer must also be knowledgeable about his train’s specific handling characteristics. Freight trains, for example, behave very differently than passenger trains, and an engineer must be familiar with both types of trains in order to avoid derailments, partings, or excessive speed.

Before becoming a railroad engineer, most people must first work as an assistant conductor or brakeman. Throwing track switches in freight situations or collecting ticket revenue on passenger trains are some of the responsibilities of a brakeman. This job allows a brakeman to become more familiar with the trains themselves as well as the operating procedures that are used during train operation, as well as the instrumentation that a railroad engineer must monitor before, during, and after a train is moving.

A candidate must devote a significant amount of time to training in order to become a railroad engineer. He or she will spend approximately 120 hours at the helm of a train, under close supervision. In addition, the candidate must be screened for good vision and hearing, as well as the absence of any substance abuse issues. In order to become certified as a railroad engineer, the potential engineer must pass both a written test and a real-time skills test. While there is no formal engineer license, each railroad must develop its own set of qualifications in accordance with federal rules and regulations.

An engineer’s license can be revoked for a variety of reasons. Running a stop signal, exceeding the speed limit more than ten miles per hour, operating the train while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, occupying a track without permission, and improperly using the air brakes are some of the most serious reasons. These infractions are considered serious, and the engineer could face serious consequences as a result.