How Do I Become a Cruise Ship Musician?

Working on a cruise ship is an appealing career choice for many musicians, as it allows them to travel while earning money. There are a few steps that must be followed in order to become a cruise ship musician. These include putting together a résumé, obtaining references, creating a video, and auditioning for a talent agency or a cruise line directly. Furthermore, each cruise line will have its own set of requirements that must be met before actual employment can begin.

To become a cruise ship musician, the first step is to compile a résumé detailing one’s previous musical experience. It’s a good idea to include the date and location of any previous paid musical gigs. It’s also a good idea to include some credible references from club or bar owners who can attest to the person’s musical abilities. This is the first step in “getting the musician’s foot in the door.”

Another crucial step in becoming a cruise ship musician is to create a video. A live performance or a taped studio performance of two or three songs should be included in the video. This will be an effective way to demonstrate the musician’s abilities and skills. Although it isn’t always necessary, it’s a good idea to have one on hand because it gives the musician a more professional appearance.

There are basically two ways to apply to work as a cruise ship musician from here. One option is to contact a talent agency that specializes in cruise ship entertainment. The talent agency will either have the musician audition live or review a video, depending on where they are located. Individuals with no prior experience working on a cruise ship should consider applying to a talent agency, as the agency will handle the majority of the details. The disadvantage is that it is costly, and the agency typically deducts a percentage of the musician’s pay.

The other option is to go straight to the cruise line and audition. This can be accomplished contacting the cruise line’s headquarters and requesting a position. Most lines will want to conduct an interview with the musician and have him audition in person or via video. They’ll then give you instructions for the rest of the procedure. This can be more difficult and time-consuming than using an agency, but there are no additional costs.

In addition to these steps, each cruise line has its own set of requirements that a musician must meet prior to starting work. When traveling outside of one’s home country, for example, a passport or visa will be required. In addition, a physical examination and certain vaccinations may be required.