What Is Wedding Cinematography?

The art of filming a wedding is known as wedding cinematography. Some couples opt for wedding cinematography only during the ceremony, while others opt for it throughout the event, including the reception and any other pre- and post-ceremony activities. Proper lighting, multiple camera angles, and solid editing are all part of good wedding cinematography.

While many people may have a friend with a video camera who offers to photograph the wedding, professional wedding cinematography will use multiple cameras and angles to capture as much of the event as possible. The wedding cinematographer or a member of his or her staff will later edit the various films together. Couples may want captions added to the video with the names of their guests at the bottom, the venue’s name, or various love quotes. The film editing process, like professional wedding photography, takes time, so the wedding video will most likely not be ready until after the couple returns from their honeymoon.

Lighting is one thing that distinguishes wedding cinematography from that friend with the video camera. When a wedding is held in a low-light environment, such as a candlelit church, this is especially important. A wedding cinematographer will typically set up lighting to improve video quality, taking care not to make the wedding venue look too much like a movie set, as this will ruin the atmosphere of the wedding venue and the mood sought by the couple.

Many different types of videos can be produced by wedding cinematography companies. A typical wedding video may include footage from the beginning to the end of the wedding day. Special touches may also be desired by some couples. These can include video clips of wedding guests wishing the newlywed couple well, as well as photos or videos from the couple’s courtship. Photographs of the bride and groom dating back to their childhood and spanning various stages of their lives may also be included.

Many wedding cinematography companies offer what is known as a love story video, which takes that concept a step further. A couple talks on camera about how they met and fell in love in this type of film. Music and photos of the couple together can be edited in. At engagement parties, bridal showers, and rehearsal dinners, this video is frequently played.

While professional wedding cinematography has joined the ranks of photographers as a must-have for many weddings, not every couple can afford it. That’s where the video camera-wielding friend might come in handy. Another viable option is to hire a film student from a local college. College juniors and seniors majoring in film frequently have access to top-of-the-line camera and editing equipment, and they will likely charge less than established cinematographers.