What Is Atonality?

Atonality is a musical organization system in which no note is given more weight than the others. A tonic — the first note of the scale — and a dominant — the fifth note of the scale — are used in traditional Western music. These two notes are used to give musical pieces a sense of beginning and end. To create a musical piece in which all notes are equal, atonality attempts to eliminate the hierarchy of tones.

Arnold Schoenberg, who was born in 1874 and died in 1951, and Anton Webern, who lived from 1883 to 1945, pioneered the atonality or 12 tone music system. During this time, the concept of conflict theory was forming, which was paralleled in Marxist philosophy and the ideals of communist societies. Its basic tenets held that if one person is more powerful or has more possessions than another, the latter is victimized. As a result, members of a truly just society would be equal in every way. Composers attempted to reflect the ideals of conflict theory in music, just as philosophers, psychologists, and politicians attempted to implement them in society.

A key signature is the polar opposite of atonality because it is focused on a single note. In the key of D major, for example, the piece will most likely begin and end on the D major chord. As a result, the music has a distinct linear plot to it, similar to a novel’s plot. By the end of the piece, any musical tension has dissipated.

The tonic and dominant are the most frequently used keys in a typical key signature. The ear is able to organize other sounds in relation to the tonic and dominant due to the constant musical reminder. No note is used more frequently in atonality than another.

Strict atonality, also known as “12 tone” music, uses all 12 notes of the chromatic scale before moving on to the next. Similarly, no note is held for longer or played louder or higher than the others, as this could create a sense of musical hierarchy. Achieving a purely equal, or democratic, piece of music is extremely difficult, and some may argue that it is impossible to achieve regardless of the composer’s intentions.

Other musical criteria are used to form Atonality’s linear plot. Tempo or dynamic changes, as well as specific instrumental techniques or instrument groupings, may be present. In the film industry, atonality is a popular style of music. It has a wide range of applications, including reflecting and intensifying on-screen emotions, as well as foreshadowing or supporting the film’s plot.