What Factors Affect the Price of a Viola?

A viola’s price is influenced by a variety of factors, just like any other instrument. Quantity, wood type, weight and size, construction method, overall quality, and appearance of the instrument are all factors to consider. The number of violas made is one of the most important factors influencing the price of a viola. Even master craftsmen are limited in terms of the number of violas they can make because the majority of the pieces of a viola must be fashioned and assembled by hand. Because imperfections in the wood and other factors can affect the sound, weight, and feel of a viola, its quality can never be guaranteed. However, if a master craftsman has a reputation for making high-quality instruments, demand for his services may increase, and he may be able to charge more for the instruments he makes. If a buyer needs a viola quickly, craftsmen may charge more.

The wood from which a viola is made is the next major factor that influences its price. Violas are typically made from common woods like maple and spruce, but craftsmen can use virtually any wood to achieve the sound they desire, as the density of the wood affects resonance and the brightness or darkness of the tone. The more exotic the wood, the more expensive it is to use; however, using an exotic wood does not guarantee a good viola.

The type of wood used and the exact method of construction have an impact on the viola’s weight. Craftsmen are still experimenting with proportions, so size has an impact on weight. The way the instrument resonates and how balanced the tone is is influenced by all three factors, with larger instruments generally producing better results and having more favorable projection. This is important because violas are mid-register instruments whose sound can get lost in an ensemble’s overall texture. For this reason, players usually pay more for well-balanced violas with a louder tone.

The price of a viola is influenced by the overall quality of the instrument, which is linked to the age of the instrument. If a craftsman does a good job and everything goes according to plan, the viola will have all of the desired qualities, such as good response, lack of wolf tones or buzzing, and projection, which are all valued by players. Older instruments can have minor dings, scratches, or varnish wear, but because wood settles with age and use, the sound of an older viola is often superior. As a result, older violas are sometimes worth more than newer ones.

The aesthetic appeal of an instrument is the final factor that influences the price of a viola. Although the viola’s sound and response are far more important than its appearance, players are still drawn to attractive instruments. Instruments with unusual detailing, wood grain, or color sell for more because dealers can portray the detailing as taking longer to create or being difficult to replicate, even if this isn’t entirely accurate.