What does a County Supervisor do?

A county supervisor is a member of a local government board who votes on issues in public meetings to help provide local legislation, budgeting, and other services. The supervisor is the rural equivalent of a member of the city council. It is common in some states for a county to have a board of supervisors. County commissioners are used in other states instead.

A county supervisor is elected for a set period of time by the local population. He or she will attend public meetings, listen to issues, and vote while in office. This supervisor is an elected public official, not a job supervisor or manager of any kind.

County supervisors make decisions on a wide range of local laws, commonly referred to as ordinances. This person may cast a vote on an issue that affects the community. This could be anything from industrial site noise and pollution to neighborly disputes over leaf burning or barking dogs.

A new building is another common item for the supervisor to consider. Whether or not a homeowner can modify his or her property is frequently decided by a board of supervisors. The board will also decide whether a company or other entity can make changes to its property.

When considering property issues, the board of supervisors will usually take into account zoning laws enacted by a separate zoning board. They may investigate stormwater issues or other aspects of a project’s public impact. When issuing a formal vote on a project, the board of county supervisors will usually cite some of these items.

On budget issues, a county supervisor can also vote. To help provide the best use of taxpayer money, the board will frequently review the developing budget, create an annual budgeting overview, and keep track of revenues versus expenditures. To see how projects will affect the local education system, a county board of supervisors may seek input from a local school district or other board.

These officials are expected to conduct themselves professionally when representing their communities. Local residents frequently attend public board of supervisors meetings to ensure that business is conducted properly and in the best interests of the community. Good communication and cooperation between supervisors are frequently required for successful resolution of local county issues. During public meetings or in the interim, a county supervisor will generally keep the community in mind.