What is the Body of a Research Paper?

The body of a research paper is the section of the paper that supports the thesis and makes up the majority of it. The introductory materials and thesis statement are at the front, while the conclusion is at the back. The body’s length is proportional to the total length of the paper. A five-page research paper, for example, would most likely have a body of three-and-a-half to four pages. A 60-page research paper, on the other hand, is likely to have a body of 50 to 55 pages.

A research paper’s body may include images, graphs, maps, and tables in addition to text. Even if the thesis was informed by dozens of graphs or images, it is important to only include a few of them so that the paper does not become riddled with text interruptions. These items should be included and cited according to the rules outlined in the style guide. The same is true for all of the sources cited in a research paper’s body text.

The main body of the text can be divided into two parts. The first is to back up the assertions and claims made in the thesis statement at the start of the paper. The second is to show the writer’s research that she conducted to support her thesis. Despite the fact that the thesis statement appears at the start of the research paper, it is intended to be the culmination of all of the research that has been conducted and analyzed as part of the project. All of this research, as well as the various conclusions that it yielded, is detailed in the body of the thesis.

When writing the body of a research paper, one of the most important things to remember is to organize the information. In the early stages of writing, don’t worry about the writing being perfect and polished. Instead, concentrate on how the data will be presented in the paper. The most important thing to focus on when organizing the body is finding a way to present the information in a clear and logical manner so that the reader understands the purpose of the research and how it supports the claims made in the thesis statement.