A mouse exterminator is someone who specializes in not only eradicating mice, but also preventing future infestations. To do so, the exterminator must devise a comprehensive strategy that includes determining what attracts mice to a home and how they gain access to it. The mouse exterminator may need to make several visits to carry out any plan successfully.
The first issue a mouse exterminator must address is how to deal with the mice already present in the house. This will, of course, necessitate taking into account the family’s makeup. Traps and poisons must be placed with caution around homes with young children or pets. It may be necessary to restrict a child’s access to certain areas in some circumstances. A good mouse exterminator will notice this and make necessary adjustments.
After putting in place a plan of action, mouse exterminators must evaluate each situation. Even the most skilled exterminators may encounter times when their preferred methods do not appear to be effective. When the results aren’t what they want, they should recognize it and come up with other options, such as switching baits, traps, or poisons. This is not the sign of an exterminator who is unsure of what to do, but rather of one who is adaptable enough to recognize that each situation is unique and devise a solution.
While the infestation is being dealt with, the mouse exterminator should conduct a thorough inspection of the house. This will entail determining possible entry and exit points for the mice and devising a strategy to prevent them from doing so. Based on previous experience with other homes, a professional mouse exterminator will be able to quickly identify these problem areas. As a result, due to the professional’s understanding of the animal’s behavior, this part of the process usually does not take as long as many people believe.
Furthermore, a mouse exterminator may be able to determine what makes one home more appealing to mice than others, and make recommendations on how to change this. Plenty of hiding places, easy entry points, and food sources all play a role in making a home appealing to mice, and are all easy to control for a homeowner. Other factors, such as the homeowner’s ability to control the home’s location, may be beyond his or her control. In those cases, the emphasis will almost certainly be on extermination and preventing mice from entering.