A deckhand is a sailor or mariner who assists in the various operations required to keep a ship running. The vast majority of deckhand positions are found on commercial vessels. Deckhands may be present on some larger private ships. Deckhands may be responsible for safety and security in addition to assisting with the vessel’s day-to-day operations.
The tasks that a deckhand performs vary greatly depending on the ship and the individual’s level of experience. Those who are just starting out on a ship may be primarily responsible for the lines that moor the ship to the dock, as well as general maintenance tasks such as painting and cleaning. In fact, until a deckhand gains more experience, cleaning may account for the majority of what he or she does.
The majority of deckhands aspire to do more than just clean the ship and handle the lines. As a result, a large number of people will take turns on the bridge to learn from more experienced sailors and operators. Deckhands may eventually spend time at the helm of the ship, relieving others who have already worked a shift. Deckhands will typically only handle a ship when it is in open water, where navigation requires less skill.
A deckhand on a cargo ship or a passenger ship may also be in charge of security. Cargo ships must be constantly monitored, not only by those on board who might be tempted to help themselves to the cargo, but also by those on the outside. Piracy can be a problem on the open seas. Unauthorized persons on board the ship may pose a threat while in port. One of the best ways to avoid both situations is to keep a close eye on things.
On passenger ships, some deckhands will also perform customer service duties. On a deep sea fishing boat, for example, the deckhand may assist customers with baiting hooks, removing fish, and keeping track of their catches. They will also be in charge of all other aspects of the job, such as cleaning up the boat at the end of the trip and ensuring that it is secured once back at the docks. A deckhand on a cruise ship may assist passengers in finding their way around the ship and provide other assistance as needed.
Deckhand jobs aren’t hard to come by, but some are more competitive than others. Those interested in working on a freight ship or a cruise ship may find a plethora of options. Because people are away for long periods of time, working hours are long, and conditions are sometimes harsh, such jobs have a high turnover rate. There will almost certainly be more competition on day trips because it allows the employee to be at home every day or night. The pay is usually higher for those willing to go on longer, more difficult trips as a trade-off.