What is a Data Entry Clerk?

Data entry is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of tasks. A data entry clerk may work primarily as a typist, transcriptionist, or word processor, or they may be involved in entering data/information streams into various existing programs. Some people also enter data into programs that are being created or developed. Typing speed, with numbers equivalent to letters, accuracy in typing, knowledge of many office and data programs, and good spelling, punctuation, and grammar are all essential for this type of work. A person who works as a data entry clerk usually has a high school diploma at the very least.

As the world’s information is increasingly stored in computer databanks, the demand for skilled data entry clerks is growing. Unfortunately, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for these clerks are declining and will continue to decline in the United States. Outsourcing accounts for a portion of the decline in available jobs. Foreign workers are often more capable of data entry than American workers, and they often do so at a lower cost. If you’re considering a career as a data entry clerk, you should consider broadening your knowledge and employability by learning essential information about office programs, performing other office duties, or learning how to program as well as input data.

Data entry clerk jobs will still be available, with an average annual salary of around $28,000 US Dollars (USD). Although most clerks are hired on a full-time basis, some work from home or part-time doing data entry as needed. The type of information you’ll be typing is largely determined by the needs of the company. Every day, you could be filling out the same forms for a credit card company, a government agency, or a hospital. Alternatively, you could simply be entering random letters and numbers that don’t make sense on their own. Some people find the work monotonous and boring, while others enjoy the act of accurately typing.

A number of data entry fields are expanding. All Internet sites, particularly those with large product catalogs, may necessitate a significant amount of data entry, which may need to be updated on a regular basis. The data entry clerk’s job typically entails entering streams of data into HTML code in order to update websites. In the medical field, the transition to computerized patient records necessitates a significant amount of work to keep files up to date. We are only at the beginning of the “electronic revolution” in medicine, so work in this field is expected to be required for a long time.

A data entry clerk would be wise to seek out jobs that cannot be outsourced. If you work for the government, you may find that your agency is limited to hiring only US citizens and residents due to concerns about information security. To work in certain government departments, some clerks may even require security clearance. Obtaining this clearance, which is usually obtained when you are offered a job, increases your chances of remaining employable as a data entry clerk in the future.