A flight dispatcher’s job is to ensure that the plane and its passengers arrive safely in the destination city from the departure city. The flight dispatcher, in collaboration with the pilot, plans a flight schedule that maximizes payload while minimizing operating costs. At an airport, a flight dispatcher works behind the scenes, scheduling routes, calculating costs, and taking into account weather and other factors that could cause a flight to be delayed.
Flight dispatcher jobs entail releasing an aircraft for takeoff after both the pilot and the flight dispatcher have signed the necessary paperwork. A flight dispatcher’s job is to keep an eye on any flights that are in the air after he or she has released the plane. During a plane’s flight, the dispatcher must keep an eye on the wind, altitude, route, and fuel levels. As a result, a flight dispatch job requires the dispatcher to act as a liaison between the pilot and the aircraft crew on the ground. The dispatcher keeps these people informed about the flight’s progress.
Although most flight dispatcher jobs are done in an office at an airport, the dispatcher may occasionally accompany the pilot into the cockpit if routes or conditions must be closely monitored and the pilot requires an extra set of eyes. Flight dispatchers must also ride in the cockpit for at least five hours per year to stay familiar with the flight equipment and procedures, according to federal aviation regulations. Flight dispatch jobs, on the other hand, are typically performed from a highly technical office or control center equipped with radar and computer equipment that provides real-time, up-to-the-minute reports on flight status. A flight dispatcher’s job necessitates the use of tools such as a calculator and a weather chart, in addition to, of course, a computer.
The scope of work for flight dispatchers varies depending on the size of the airline for which they work. Because larger airlines typically have more employees to handle specific tasks, the dispatcher’s job is simple and entails ensuring that the flight schedule is laid out and followed. Smaller airlines will often require flight dispatchers to perform multiple tasks, including that of a meteorologist.
Although many in the field have a bachelor’s degree in air transportation or a related field, flight dispatcher jobs do not require one. In high-stress situations, successful flight dispatchers must be able to maintain their composure. They must be meticulous, conscientious, and quick to think on their feet. A dispatcher’s work week is typically 40 hours long, but he or she must always be on call in the event of an emergency.