How Do I Become a Pipeline Inspector?

As a pipeline inspector, your job is to ensure that the work is done correctly while also keeping the workers safe. It can be beneficial to gain experience performing pipeline installation before becoming a pipeline inspector. You’ll be more familiar with the tools and methods used to complete this type of work this way. Having supervisory experience in this field can help you stand out from the crowd. For those who want to work in pipeline inspection, many areas require licensing as well as certification in hazardous materials.

Before you can work as a pipeline inspector, you should learn everything you can about the industry. Starting as a general contractor for a company that installs a variety of pipe systems is the best way to learn about different systems and how pipeline installation is done. This is important because pipeline inspectors are frequently called upon to make changes to the way work is done in order to meet safety and quality standards.

You might want to request that your boss train you on how to repair pipeline damage. This will provide you with a solid foundation in pipeline inspection and will assist you in learning how to repair pipe systems. Both can be useful skills to have on your resume if you want to work as a pipeline inspector.

It’s a good idea to find out what laws apply to pipeline inspectors in your area. Before you can become a pipeline inspector, some jurisdictions may require you to pass a licensing exam. If this is the case, taking the test, even if your company does not have any openings in this field, may be a wise decision. When a position as a pipeline inspector becomes available, you will already be qualified for it. This may give you an advantage over other candidates, particularly those from outside the company.

Pipeline inspection training can assist you in becoming a pipeline inspector. This is especially true if you are involved in the installation of natural gas or oil pipe systems. To see what types of training are available in your area, contact a local community college or an environmental agency. If you do decide to take courses, find out if the training certification will expire after a certain period of time. Maintaining current knowledge in these areas demonstrates motivation on your part, allowing you to stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs.