A personal shopper is a person who helps another person with their shopping. He or she could work as a freelancer, subcontracting his or her services to a select group of people. People in this position can also work in specific departments of large stores. For some, shopping and being paid for it may seem like the perfect job, but there is a lot of work involved.
The freelance personal shopper must first build and maintain a client database. This usually occurs as a result of word-of-mouth. If a client has previously worked with a personal stylist or shopper in a store, she may decide to continue working with her if she goes freelance. That client might have a large circle of friends, and word-of-mouth marketing will bring in a lot of business.
Personal shoppers must have a thorough understanding of the products they are dealing with. If the shopper recommends a brand, a client may end up spending thousands of dollars on it. If the product does not meet expectations, the shopper’s reputation may be tarnished.
Personal shoppers are employed by a number of major fashion houses around the world. These customers become familiar faces to loyal customers who stick to a single fashion house. You’ll be up to date on the latest fashion trends and be able to suggest new products that will appeal to the customer.
Personal shoppers must also be prepared to deal with a variety of difficult clients. Some people expect the shopper to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Even if they don’t spend any money, many customers include personal stylists and shoppers in their monthly budget.
Personal shoppers are used by customers for a variety of reasons. They may have very busy lives and find the shopper to be an excellent way to avoid the rigors of shopping. Personal shoppers are frequently hired by professionals with large disposable incomes in large cities, perhaps because the personal shopper is an expert in clothing and is familiar with the latest fashions and brands.
If you want to work as a personal shopper, you should have a specific area of expertise. It could be fashionable, or you could be an expert on a popular product. You could also be an expert on hard-to-find items that people want but don’t have time to look for.
The Internet is an excellent tool for self-promotion. Set up your own website if you already have a small number of customers. On your website, you can use your clients as references. A few advertisements in the right magazines can also help to boost business. If you have the knowledge and contacts to run a successful business, personal shopping can be a lot of fun and a great social job.