What Does a Release Manager Do?

A release manager is a computer expert who oversees the process of preparing new software for release in order to ensure a smooth and successful launch. Release managers collaborate with development, marketing, and other departments to ensure that a company’s planned product release runs smoothly. Release managers and other support staff are frequently needed software companies, and job opportunities in this field can be plentiful during periods of rapid software development and improvement.

Release managers are in charge of the planning and scheduling of various stages of the development process. This includes everything from the very beginning stages of planning to the final stages of testing. Members of the development team can meet with the release manager to discuss their timeline expectations, which may include a debugging buffer, unexpected errors, and other unforeseeable events. To avoid situations like announcing a software release six months before it is actually ready for public consumption, it is critical to develop a realistic development time line and adjust it as the product develops.

A release manager’s job may require him or her to communicate with various departments. Anyone who is interested in a product may want to be kept up to date on any new developments or concerns. Sending regular memos, directing people to an internal website with updates, and holding meetings to allow for face-to-face interaction are all examples of how to do this. Any problems in any departments that may interfere with the time line and successful launch must also be communicated to the release manager.

As a product approaches launch, the release manager collaborates closely with the team and testers to ensure that it is as complete as possible. Testing can be a time-consuming process, especially if multiple serious errors are discovered, as the development team will need to fix them and retest, which can be a lengthy process. For a smooth launch, release managers ensure that team members stay on task and share the same priorities.

For jobs in this field, education and experience requirements can vary. A computer science degree, as well as software development experience, can be beneficial. People who have no prior experience with the process may not be suitable for release manager positions because they will be unaware of the issues and requirements that may arise. Working on a development team or as an assistant to an experienced release manager can help you gain the experience you need to manage a product release on your own.