What does a Crisis Counselor do?

A crisis counselor assists people who are experiencing a life crisis in coping with their trauma or despair. A crisis counselor’s responsibilities typically include assessing and evaluating the situation, identifying and proposing solutions to the problem, providing ongoing support, and sharing stress management techniques. Individuals with mental and behavioral issues, as well as substance abuse issues, may require the services of crisis counselors.Those who seek crisis counseling include victims of war and crime, those who have received negative health diagnoses, and those who have suffered a significant relationship or financial loss.

A crisis counselor’s responsibilities are both analytical and supportive. Counselors in crisis must be able to think clearly and make sound decisions. Individuals in distress frequently rely on crisis counselors to assess their problems and suggest potential solutions. To build a relationship with the afflicted individual and convey support in a simple and effective manner, a crisis counselor must have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Crisis counselors work with people of all ages and backgrounds. For example, an elderly woman who has just lost her home and all of her belongings in a hurricane may be unable to determine her next steps in life. A crisis counselor may be needed by young children who have lost a parent in an accident to assess the situation, provide support, and connect them and their guardians with the appropriate services. A young college student who has recently received a devastating health diagnosis might seek the assistance of a crisis counselor to help him prioritize his responsibilities.

The crisis counselor’s task is to quickly assess the situation and assist the individual in regaining control of their emotions. A counselor can help to relieve an individual’s emotional stress by listening carefully, being available as needed, and offering advice. Many crisis counselors will teach stress management techniques such as breaking down large problems into smaller chunks, writing in a journal as a form of therapy, or meditating and relaxing.

Mental and behavioral clinics, youth services organizations, academic institutions, and public service organizations are all places where crisis counselors work. Specific responsibilities vary depending on the needs of each environment. Crisis counselors may be required to be available 24 hours a day and work a flexible schedule in some cases. In some situations, driving patients to appointments with other service professionals such as psychologists, doctors, or financial advisers may be necessary.

Employers of crisis counselors typically look for a combination of academic achievement, work experience, and personality traits. Many employers prefer candidates with a master’s degree in social services, though some will consider candidates with a bachelor’s degree in counseling, psychology, or a related field. Employers, in most cases, look for prior crisis counseling experience. In general, crisis counselors are expected to have sound judgment and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations.