What does a Sound Engineering Technician do?

All of the sounds heard in any live or broadcast production are handled by a sound engineering technician. Her job is to ensure that every note and sound wave are accurate and clearly audible, whether the sound is music, voices, effects created to mimic natural noises, or machinery. If there is a problem with the transmission, she is usually responsible for isolating and correcting the issue. She could work in a variety of settings, including television, movie sets, theater productions, and sporting events.

Because good sound is required in so many places, a person in this position has a lot of job options. Sound engineering technicians are commonly employed by television and movie studios, as well as studios that produce videos and music CDs. Professionals are needed in theaters that present plays and concerts, as well as concert and sports event settings that frequently include outdoor and indoor stadiums.

Many of these jobs require the sound engineering technician to work on both the sound production and the sound engineering. Live radio and television broadcasts are common, as are simultaneous taped broadcasts for future broadcasting or archive purposes. In these cases, the engineer is usually responsible for ensuring that the sound quality is consistent for both.

A sound engineering technician faces unique challenges when working on live broadcasts and events that take place outside. Because there are no retakes when a live broadcast, such as sporting events, concerts, or theater productions, the sound quality has only one chance to be good. Because outdoor settings lack the acoustics of enclosed spaces, the sound engineering technician must use whatever methods are available to capture sound waves and create an audio experience with depth and resonance.

A sound engineering technician works with a variety of machines, tools, and instruments. She is frequently called upon to reproduce, mix, record, and synchronize a wide range of sounds using her equipment expertise. Special sound effects, instrumental and vocal music, and voices are common examples.

Broadcasting, editing, and digital recording technology have all advanced significantly in recent years. The sound engineering technician’s artistic capabilities are typically enhanced by these innovations, which also make her job easier. These technological advancements must be part of an engineer’s professional knowledge and capabilities to be successful in this position.

To work as a sound engineering technician, you must meet a variety of requirements. A high school diploma or equivalent is required for the majority of positions. The requirements for advanced education change over time. A vocational training certificate is required for some jobs, while an associate’s or bachelor’s degree is required for others. Almost all of these jobs require on-the-job training or several years of experience working with industry experts.