What Does a Compliance Coordinator Do?

A compliance coordinator assists an organization in meeting regulatory requirements. These professionals, also known as compliance specialists and consultants, typically have two to five years of experience in the industry. They are well-versed in all relevant regulations, as well as planned and proposed policies that may have an impact on their employers’ operations. Banking, health care, and education are some of the industries where a compliance coordinator might work.

This member of a company’s staff serves as a point of contact for regulatory agencies or inspectors. In order to assist a company, the compliance coordinator must be familiar with all applicable regulations. On any given day, meetings with company trainees, regulators, and administrators who set and enforce policy within the organization may be required. To ensure that information is conveyed and fully understood, good communication skills are required.

A compliance coordinator can assist a company in developing policies that will help it stay on track with compliance. Those in affected positions may be required to meet in order to receive special education and training. It could be as simple as receiving a manual with instructions, or it could take several days of training to ensure that the employee is ready. In a medical office, for example, the compliance coordinator might talk to the secretarial staff about privacy concerns. They may be asked to sign paperwork stating that they understand the nature of privacy laws and that they are willing to follow them.

Regulators may inspect a company for signs of compliance on a regular basis or request documentation from the compliance coordinator. As part of a company review, documents such as employee manuals, forms, and copies of policies may be requested. All of this information is provided by the compliance coordinator, who also answers questions and schedules meetings with staff and administrators as needed. If problems are discovered during a regulatory review, this employee must develop an action plan to address them, which may require collaboration with other employees.

Jobs in this field require a high level of attention to detail. Compliance coordinators must keep up with current and proposed legislation that may have an impact on their companies. Many also keep track of the various options available to them when it comes to meeting regulatory requirements. For example, new software products and training workshops can help keep employees on track and make it easier to file required documents and declarations. People in this position may face legal ramifications if they give bad advice or behave negligently while being relied upon as a source of information.