A town planner is a city administrator who is in charge of determining the most efficient use of land and resources within a municipality. If you want to be a town planner, there are a number of things you can do to make your dream come true. Finishing high school and obtaining a college education are two of the most important goals. Taking as many internships and volunteer opportunities as possible will also help you achieve your goal of becoming a town planner.
A good, basic education, which begins in high school, is one of the first requirements for becoming a town planner. Concentrate on subjects like mathematics, communications, and computers. All of these abilities are necessary in the fields of city management and planning, and they will also help you lay a strong foundation for college. If your school offers them, you might want to look into taking some kind of beginning engineering classes.
Once you graduate from high school, you’ll probably want to pursue a degree in urban design or city planning to pursue your dream of becoming a town planner. If you want to work as a town planner for a smaller municipality, you might be able to get started with just a bachelor’s degree, but many communities, especially larger ones, require a master’s degree. As a result, if you want to advance in your city planning career, you may need to get a graduate degree.
Taking internships or summer jobs in cities while still in college is a fantastic opportunity, especially if you can land a position in a planning and zoning office. These opportunities will not only allow you to get your name out there, but they will also provide you with practical experience, which will be beneficial to anyone aspiring to be a town planner. In many cases, two to three months prior to the summer break is the best time to begin looking.
It can be difficult to find work as a town planner, but there are opportunities available, even for those who are just out of college. Check out some of the regional or city websites if you have a specific geographic location in mind. Many employers post job openings on their websites, and this may be the best way to find a local job. Aside from that, there are a number of general government job websites. Another good source of job information is trade publications, which can be found at a college, library, or even city hall.