People who are looking for the best dental school will typically make highly personalized decisions based on availability, grades, where they want to live, and the type of program they want to pursue. There are numerous dental schools around the world, each with its own set of admissions requirements. The most important thing for people to look for is whether or not schools are accredited by whatever regional board is required. It may be impossible to obtain a license and practice dentistry if you attend a dental school that is not accredited.
There are lists of the best dental schools, which are often based on reputation, educational options, and practice opportunities. Top ten lists, particularly in the United States, will not be the best schools for everyone. If a dental school has a good reputation, it can pick and choose among the most qualified candidates, leaving a lot of students out if they don’t have perfect grades or test scores, or if they didn’t attend a well-known four-year university.
While not being able to get into a top ten school may bother some people, there are plenty of excellent dental school placements that aren’t as well known. Some people are advised to submit only one application to a school that is academically out of their reach.
There are several factors to consider when choosing within a reasonable expectation of acceptance. Students can consider their location, and they may prefer to study close to home, or they may prefer to live in a different part of the country, or even another country. Those studying outside of their home country should check to see if the program they are enrolled in will be accepted when applying for a license.
Knowing what types of programs a school offers is also beneficial. Those who want to perform specialized dentistry or more complex procedures should look for schools that guarantee practice in these areas. Some people want to teach dentistry instead of just practicing it on patients in the future, and they should look for programs that will help them achieve this goal. Those interested in specialized training in fields such as endodontics, pediatric dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, or other fields will need to look for schools that offer these specializations.
Another factor to consider is the price. Prices for programs vary, and picking the most expensive or least expensive option isn’t always the best option. Prospective students should think about how much money they’ll need for dental school and compare different programs to see which ones are the most suitable or provide a reasonable repayment plan. Schools with a large scholarship program may also be worth considering, as avoiding some or all loan debt is a desirable goal.