What Does a Director of Quality Do?

A director of quality, also known as a quality assurance officer, is in charge of maintaining or improving the quality of goods and services produced or provided by a company. In many cases, directors attempt to improve quality in order to improve a company’s reputation, with the goal of increasing market share. Furthermore, many countries have laws requiring manufacturers to meet basic production standards, and the director of quality is in charge of ensuring that these basic standards are met.

Many service providers, such as insurance companies, banks, and satellite television providers, employ a director of quality who is responsible for improving overall customer service levels. The director must communicate with departmental managers in order to address consumer complaints about faulty products or insufficient services, but the director’s primary concern is ensuring that company employees provide excellent customer service. In some companies, the director will establish company-wide policies requiring all employees to use specific phrases and handle customer issues in a consistent manner. The director could hire an outside marketing firm to conduct customer satisfaction surveys, and then use the results to develop new customer service rules and policies.

Airlines, railroad operators, and various types of manufacturers are required to conduct regular safety checks and ensure that their vehicles and equipment are in good working order in some countries. Internal control programs, such as vehicle checklists, must be implemented by the director of quality, as well as employee training to ensure that everyone is aware of safety regulations. In some cases, the director may consult with government regulators or companies that specialize in new technology to come up with new ways to improve safety standards. In many countries, businesses that deviate from safety standards face penalties, and the director of quality must ensure that the company maintains high standards to avoid penalties.

Directors of quality are sometimes hired by government agencies to oversee healthcare programs, school districts, and other publicly funded schemes. To ensure that quality services are provided, the director must analyze data such as school grades or hospital safety standards. In addition to raising overall standards, the director may need to find ways to boost efficiency and reduce costs.

The director of quality may be appointed to the company’s board of directors on a permanent basis, in which case the director reports to the chairman or CEO (CEO). A government director may be required to report directly to a high-ranking public official. The director may oversee a workforce that includes several tiers of managers and employees, depending on the size of the organization. The director is usually only in charge of hiring and firing employees who report to him or her.