What Does a Printmaker Do?

Printmaking began in China in the 9th century, and by the 15th century, it had spread throughout Europe. A printmaker, also known as a type of artist, has a wide range of responsibilities. He or she can usually carve or etch designs onto almost any type of surface, and then fill the etchings and/or carvings with ink. The design is then imprinted onto another surface after being filled with ink. This method of printing is advantageous because it allows a printmaker to easily reproduce his or her design multiple times with only minor differences from one imprint to the next.

A person must learn woodcutting, lithography, and a variety of other techniques in order to become a successful printmaker. In order to carve or etch designs, the artist will usually make an incision, cut away some material, or draw on a surface. This is usually done with a special tool, but it can also be done with a stencil in some cases.

After a printmaker has finished creating his or her desired design, ink is applied to it. Ink can be used in a variety of ways to create print designs. When a design is created using screen-printing, woodcutting, or etching, ink is applied using blocks or plates in the majority of cases. Separate plates or blocks must be used if multiple colors are used. For each print that they design, most printmakers will use three to four plates on average.

The printmaker will then transfer, or imprint, the image to the final surface once the ink has been applied effectively. The print is simply transferred by pressing the surfaces together, either with a printing press or by hand. The original surface on which the artist created his or her design can be reused to transfer ink to another surface multiple times. An edition is defined as a collection of art pieces created from the same print surface.

When it comes to effectively reproducing work, printmakers must decide which type of printmaking method to use. After creating proofs, the artist will often examine them to see if any changes need to be made. If any corrections are required, the printmaker will make them. When a printmaker works for a company, he or she may be responsible for creating preliminary sketches. He or she may also be in charge of instructing students on printmaking techniques.