To get the most out of a student’s financial investment, they must enroll in an accredited college or university degree program. Regional, national, and international accreditation agencies provide the most common types of accreditation. Other types of accreditation pertain to specific fields of study, such as business, education, law, and medicine.
Regional, national, and international accreditation agencies are the three main types. Accrediting agencies may cover different areas depending on the requirements of each country’s department or ministry of education. Regional accreditation agencies, for example, are unique to the United States. Regional agencies, as their name implies, cover various geographic regions, each with a different number of states. The most important type of accreditation for colleges and universities in the United States is regional accreditation.
In many countries, national accreditation agencies are gaining greater acceptance as valid and acceptable accrediting bodies. The department or ministry of education, or another governmental or non-governmental entity, may determine the criteria for national accreditation in each country. National accreditation is possible for both traditional schools and distance education programs. These organizations may also concentrate on certain types of programs and schools, such as business and technology schools, career programs, and nontraditional schools, such as religious schools, trade schools, and online programs.
International accreditation agencies are concerned with ensuring that mandatory global standards are met in specific fields. Business and medical accreditation are two fields with a plethora of international accrediting bodies that cover a wide range of specialties. Distance education and online education programs are also overseen by international organizations.
Accreditation agencies for specific studies also exist to ensure that students receive thorough and relevant education that will prepare them for careers in fields such as business, education, healthcare, law, and technology. Private or professional accrediting agencies, as well as specialized or program-based accreditation, are all terms used to describe these organizations. They accredit specific programs in different schools rather than entire schools. Specialized accreditation is important for a variety of careers, and students should check to see if their programs have maintained their accreditation.
The goal of accreditation is to ensure that college and university courses and degree programs are of high quality. Quality courses, programs, and institutions will provide credible content and qualified instructors, as well as grant transferable credits. Once a school has received accreditation, it must maintain that status during designated review periods.