What Are the Different Types of Wireline Jobs?

The development of these natural resources is made possible by a variety of roles and functions at various skill levels in the oil and gas industry. Wireline jobs are completed by energy professionals who perform key operation and preparation steps in the process. Managers of wireline operations who oversee other personnel and safety procedures, or mechanics who have the training and experience to maintain the heavy equipment used by oil and gas drillers, are examples of these professionals.

The person in charge of wireline jobs at the management level could be in charge of all operational aspects of a drilling project for oil or gas. He or she might be in charge of making sure that all safety precautions are followed when dealing with wirelines on an oil drilling platform or near a natural gas well. Following that, the wireline operations manager may establish protocol around any wirelines, ensuring that only the necessary personnel with the appropriate training are near the structures.

A manager may also participate in tasks related to wireline jobs, such as logging. This function entails inserting tools into natural gas wells in order to assess the situation and make decisions about drilling activity. Even during the drilling process, air and substance levels within the confines of a drilling space may need to be constantly assessed, and records of the results will almost certainly need to be kept. These processes are performed and overseen by a wireline operations manager.

Other wireline jobs in the energy industry are filled by field engineers. This oil and gas professional may be involved in the preparation of a drilling site before a project begins, depending on their seniority and job description. The precise tools required to capture these natural resources may be determined by the nature of the project, well, or oil rig. Engineers may be in charge of determining and gathering the necessary tools, as well as ensuring that the remaining personnel are familiar with all of the equipment. Professionals with prior experience in other wireline jobs, such as logging, will most likely be qualified for engineering jobs.

Wireline equipment requires maintenance as well. Maintenance workers may be required to have at least a high school diploma and the necessary licenses and certifications to operate heavy equipment. On a drilling site, these professionals may be required to perform some logistical tasks such as keeping logs of equipment and tool usage.