A hairdressing apprentice is someone who works in a salon but has not completed or is in the process of completing formal training. Apprentices gain experience in the field of hairdressing by working in a salon. Apprenticeships can be found through a vocational school or by looking for them on your own.
Hairdressing apprentices’ responsibilities change over time as they gain experience in the salon and at the vocational school. Hairdressing apprentices will book appointments, greet clients, and clean up the salon in the beginning. Hairdressing apprentices will be able to observe senior stylists as they cut and style hair and ask questions about styling techniques as the apprenticeship progresses. In the future, the apprentice will be permitted to shampoo and prepare clients for styling, prepare chemical treatments, and assist senior stylists with their work. As the student completes their vocational training, the salon may allow the apprentice to take on their own clients and begin to build a client base toward the end of their hairdressing apprenticeship.
All of these responsibilities will instill in hairdressing apprentices the qualities that make a good hairdresser. The apprentice will learn how to be patient with clients, communicate effectively, and deal with people. They’ll also learn about the physical requirements of hairdressing, such as the ability to stand for long periods of time, be around chemicals, and safely handle chemicals. To make the client happy, the student will learn to adapt to the client’s needs by combining techniques and styles. Finally, the student will be able to see firsthand how difficult it is to run a business and make it successful.
Apprenticeships in hairdressing typically last one to five years, depending on how much time the apprentice can devote to the salon. The apprentice is usually paid, but it is often less than a regular hairdressing assistant because the apprentice spends some of his or her time learning and observing. Some apprenticeships result in the apprentice either taking on some of the salon’s clients or being offered a position in the salon. If this is not included in the apprenticeship contract, the apprentice will leave with valuable experience and, in many cases, a strong recommendation.
A hairdressing apprenticeship can be obtained in a variety of ways. Hairdressing apprenticeships are available at many vocational hairdressing schools, and some programs may require an apprenticeship before graduation. When this happens, the school usually has an office or administrator who assists students in obtaining these jobs. If this is not possible, the student can approach nearby salons to see if they would be interested in hiring an apprentice. To develop a relationship with a salon and gain access to an apprenticeship, the student could offer to work a certain number of hours for free on a trial basis.