The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the United States employs transportation security officers to ensure the safety of air travel. Passengers must be screened, luggage must be tested and inspected, and travel documents must be checked and confirmed these individuals. To work as a transportation security officer, you’ll need a high school diploma or equivalent, as well as the ability to pass a criminal background check and a medical exam.
To work as a transportation security officer, you must be 18 years old and have completed high school or an equivalent educational level. Transportation security officers must also be citizens of the United States and pass a medical exam. Applicants for TSA jobs should typically include all requested documentation with their application. Candidates usually meet with a local officer and may be asked to participate in a second phone interview.
Those wishing to work as a transportation security officer may benefit from prior law enforcement experience. Due to their training and experience in handling stressful situations and detecting suspicious behavior, candidates with law enforcement training may be given preference. In stressful situations, security officers should be able to make independent decisions and quick judgments.
Good communication skills and patience may also help a TSA security officer succeed. Travelers who are tired can be difficult to deal with, and security officers often have to keep their cool when dealing with angry people. Maintaining a calm environment while ensuring everyone follows safety regulations can be difficult.
All applicants who are hired and pass a drug test and criminal background check will typically receive job-specific training. Security officers are trained to use airport security equipment, screen baggage, and spot threats or aggressive behavior early on. Trainees are also taught how to conduct proper identification checks and recognize fraudulent documents.
Typically, 180 hours of training are required to become a transportation security officer. It usually consists of on-the-job training and classroom instruction, followed a certification exam. Additional training, drills, and exercises, as well as continuing education courses and information sessions, may be required of TSA officers.
Each quarter, the TSA requires all security officers to complete an additional 22 hours of training. All employees have the opportunity to learn about the latest screening technology and new procedures that have been implemented for homeland security purposes at quarterly training. Officers may be required to participate in impromptu procedural drills and testing.