What does a Literary Publicist do?

A literary publicist ensures that an author, particularly one who is self-publishing, receives the most exposure possible in order to promote his or her book. He could work as a freelancer or as part of a publicity or public relations management firm. Some literary publicists work out of traditional offices, while others work from home.

A literary publicist’s job is to make sure that once an author’s book is published, everyone who is anyone knows about it. If he’s a successful publicist, he’ll almost certainly have connections in the media who can help him book the author as a guest on a television or radio show. This usually necessitates a meeting with the author in order to develop a positive but intriguing perspective about the author that will capture the public’s attention and pique the media’s interest.

Although the author’s point of view may be a little controversial, being captivating is generally more important and lasting. If the author’s investigation yields nothing interesting or newsworthy, the publicist’s job is to make one up. It shouldn’t be a complete lie, but rather an embellishment that makes the author more endearing or mysterious enough to warrant interviews that could reveal more fascinating facts. The general belief is that if the publicist treats the author like a famous celebrity, he or she will become one — or at the very least, the media will treat him or her as such.

A successful literary publicist must frequently fill multiple roles. In order to secure interviews and meetings with industry contacts who can assist with his promotional efforts, he is expected to present himself as the author’s friend. If the only way to get his author some face time or air time is to link him up with a bigger celebrity and market the two as a package deal, his role shifts to that of a deft negotiator who only has the interviewer’s or media venue’s best interests at heart.

A literary publicist’s success is usually based on his or her ability to communicate effectively. He is frequently and simultaneously contacting key people by phone, email, texting, and in person in order to promote his client most effectively in the most media sectors. To fully promote his client, he must often juggle his time between several sources if he does his job well.

In most cases, a bachelor’s degree is required to work as a literary publicist. Most colleges and universities offer four-year programs with concentrations in communications, public relations, publicity management, and journalism. Degrees with majors in these fields are highly desirable. It would be advantageous if you had prior experience in public relations or media communications.