What Does a Night Security Guard Do?

During the night, a night security guard is responsible for monitoring the premises of a business, institution, or other location. The area that the night security guard will be watching over may be open to the public or a private area that is not accessible to the general public. For some security positions, guards may only need to obtain minimal qualifications, whereas in others, the guard or guards will be trained professionals who carry firearms and are prepared for emergency situations. These professionals are often employed by private companies that then hire them out to other entities in need of security services, and they are considered a type of law enforcement.

A night security guard can often be hired with little or no formal education or training. Job training can teach you the skills you’ll need to succeed on the job; however, this is usually only true for lower-level security positions where the night security guard won’t be carrying a gun. The guard may receive training in order to carry pepper spray or other types of weapons, but such a guard is unlikely to receive firearm training.

Night security guards in more advanced positions may be required to have at least a high school diploma, as well as training in firearms safety and use, law enforcement training, and other skills. The guard could be a former cop or another law enforcement officer with extensive training and experience. Candidates for these positions will have completed training at a police academy or a similar institution. Former military officers may be able to work as night security guards, as their military training and experience will equip them with the necessary skills.

A night security guard will only work at night, which has its own set of difficulties. Working at night necessitates the development of a new sleep schedule and the readiness to be awake all night. He or she will need to be familiar with night security techniques, as darkness can make detecting threats or criminal activity more difficult. In the event of an emergency, the night security guard will need to be familiar with police protocol, as he or she may need to contact local law enforcement agencies. Depending on the scope of the guard’s responsibilities, a commercial driver’s license may or may not be required.