How Do I Become an Oil Rigger?

The term “oil rigger” can refer to a variety of jobs on an oil rig, ranging from entry-level roustabout positions to rig managers and toolpushers. There are several career paths that can lead to becoming an oil rigger, but you should first consider your overall career goals to determine which path is best for you. Applying for a job as a roustabout, a worker who performs a variety of manual labor jobs, is one of the most common ways to break into this industry. This is a low-wage job that requires little training.

The ability to work your way up the ranks to become an oil rigger is an advantage of taking such a job. You can work as a roustabout until you’re ready to move on to something else. The roughneck is a step up from the roustabout and performs jobs on an oil rig that require some training, such as pipe placement. Roughnecks make more money than roustabouts, and once an employee reaches this level of employment, the potential for advancement in the field is greater. If an employee wants to advance to management, he or she will have to work as a roughneck at some point.

As a motorhand, you can work as an oil rigger if you have mechanical skills or training. This person is in charge of all engine and heavy machinery maintenance and repairs on or near the rig. Be prepared to work long hours in potentially hazardous conditions; a motorhand must be able to work on a wide range of machines at any time. A motorhand’s pay is usually comparable to that of a roughneck, though this varies from company to company.

Getting an education in the various fields applicable to oil drilling is another way to become an oil rigger without having to work your way up the ranks. College geology courses can help you become a mudlogger, and business and construction courses can help you become a rig manager or foreman. Any prior experience in the construction or oil fields will be extremely beneficial, though entry-level positions are frequently available. If you don’t have any formal education or training but want to work your way up through the ranks on the rig, you can do so by working your way up through the ranks in any capacity.