How Do I Become an Unarmed Security Officer?

The state in which the security officer works determines the requirements for becoming an unarmed security officer. Individual states determine requirements, but they are usually very similar in nature. To be eligible for a license, such individuals must typically complete an unarmed security officer training course. After that, he or she must pass the course, apply for a license, pass a background check, and complete on-the-job training successfully. Candidates may apply for and be hired for a position first, with the employer handling the training and licensing process, or they may complete the process independently and then look for work, depending on the state.

The first step to becoming an unarmed security officer is to take and pass a course in unarmed security that has been approved by the state’s licensing department, whether you are hired first or seeking a license on your own. The length and content of the course will vary depending on the state; however, security personnel typically learn the most important aspects of the job during the course. Typical course topics will include legal powers and limitations, emergency procedures, and patrol duties, all of which are directly applicable to the job. The course required for licensing will often cover the basics of working as a security officer. It is not intended to be a comprehensive training. Other courses or direct from an employer provide more specialized training.

For reasons of safety and security, security officers’ backgrounds are important not only to the employer and client, but also to the general public. As a result, after passing the unarmed security officer course, a candidate must apply for a license and undergo a background check. Depending on the state, this check may or may not include a credit check, but it will include a criminal background check to verify an applicant’s identity, affiliations, and criminal activity (or lack thereof). The state usually requires you to pass a background check before issuing you a license to work as an unarmed security officer.

Other requirements must be met as part of the application process for a license to work as an unarmed security officer. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of application, according to most age restrictions. Applicants in the United States, for example, will need to show proof of citizenship or residency. Following the issuance of the license, the unarmed security officer may apply for positions with organizations or begin working for the company where he or she was already employed.