Product design is a technical field, and there are several options for obtaining the necessary education. Industrial design programs are frequently offered at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels of education, but vocational and apprenticeship programs can also prepare one for a career in the field, depending on the job. There are also high school courses and programs available to assist with preparation. For most entry-level jobs, a college or university education is required, where students learn how to design and market products.
Although most industrial design programs begin after high school, computer, math, and technology classes can help students prepare for the work ahead. Students benefit from art and technical drawing classes because they learn to visualize things from a design standpoint. There are often vocational programs available as well. These courses, which are sometimes offered at community colleges and other technical education institutions, can help students start a career in applied design or packaging design, for example.
Vocational programs typically also provide the education and technical skills required for an industrial design career, such as the use of packaging systems and materials. Students can learn about ceramics, furniture, and metal crafts design, as well as how to draw technical drawings. They can also learn about packaging systems, laws and regulations, and process analysis. College or university degrees, on the other hand, are usually the most beneficial industrial design programs. Courses in computer-aided design, engineering, manufacturing, and mathematics are frequently offered.
An internship in a manufacturing environment is typically part of a degree program. Such experience can help someone decide whether they want to pursue a career in production or another type of industrial design, or if they want to focus on business administration. Many degree programs include instruction on how to create three-dimensional models using software. Computer design skills usually go hand in hand with applied science and marketing skills.
Some industrial design programs prepare students for a career in commercial design, while others prepare them for a career in architecture. If an industrial design firm offers such a program, one can also work as an apprentice. These industrial design programs typically incorporate class work in math, industrial drafting, machinery, and safety, allowing participants to learn the industry while on the job. Making sketches and layouts, producing graphics, and incorporating fine details into a drawing or production process are all skills that can be learned.