What Are the Different Types of Conveyor Jobs?

Conveyors are systems that move objects or materials from one location to another in various industrial settings. Many conveyor jobs focus on the technical aspects of conveyor operation because these machines require workers who can install, maintain, and repair the equipment. Some conveyor jobs are solely responsible for operating the machine during normal business operations, while others are more concerned with working in close proximity to the conveyor. Assemblers, for example, may stand next to a conveyor to assemble products as they pass through the assembly line. To ensure compliance with local laws and regulations regarding worker safety, safety personnel may monitor the conveyor’s operations and the people working around it.

Conveyor jobs include machinists who fabricate parts, mechanics who assemble machines, and installers who deliver and install equipment to a specific location. These mechanics may also be in charge of maintaining the equipment once it has been installed; they may perform routine maintenance as well as diagnostic testing to identify issues with a malfunctioning conveyor system. The mechanics may also be responsible for the replacement of parts or entire systems.

A company may require a custom conveyor to meet specific manufacturing requirements. In this case, some conveyor jobs are solely concerned with the design of conveyors. Designers will visit a location and take precise measurements before designing a conveyor layout that will meet the company’s manufacturing objectives. This may entail designing the conveyor track layout, installing retarders to slow items moving along the conveyor, determining where powered and unpowered conveyors should be placed, and determining how to power the conveyor system. Safety concerns must also be addressed in the design, so the designer will need to be familiar with local conveyor laws and regulations.

Some conveyor jobs concentrate solely on one aspect of the conveyor system. Belt mechanics, for example, might be solely responsible for fabricating and installing conveyor belts. Some belts are made of rubber, while others are made of metal wire mesh; making these belts necessitates a thorough understanding of manufacturing and machining processes, as well as training for the mechanic to learn how to install the belts safely and effectively. Belt mechanics may also be in charge of tensioning the belt on a regular basis to prevent it from wearing out prematurely or failing completely.