What Does a Real Estate Trainee Do?

It takes a long time and money to become a real estate agent. Working as a real estate trainee is one way to get a feel for the industry before investing in classes and regional licensing fees. A real estate trainee is a person who assists real estate agents in their work. He or she doesn’t usually show or sell homes, but he or she is involved in every detail. After a few months of working as a real estate trainee, he or she may decide to pursue a real estate license.

A real estate trainee’s primary responsibility is to keep track of data. Agents frequently distribute hundreds or thousands of postcards and brochures throughout the community in order to promote the properties they have listed. Additionally, Web sites encourage visitors to provide personal contact information. The name, phone number, type of home, and price range of a potential client are typically included in responses to Web sites and mailings.

This information is gathered by the real estate trainee and entered into a software program for easy retrieval by the agent. When a listed property becomes available, the agent can enter information about it and extract all potential clients looking for that type of property from the database. The trainee is usually in charge of keeping the database up to date, removing outdated data, and adding new clients.

Real estate trainees help agents plan their showings. For example, an agent who plans to spend the day taking a client couple to several for-sale properties will provide the trainee with the addresses for each one. The trainee plots the agent’s route for showing each property. By scheduling property showings in the most efficient order, you can save time and money.

Trainees frequently keep track of all closing times. A trainee’s responsibilities include ensuring that inspections are completed on time and that closing paperwork is completed. In addition, the trainee can conduct research on listings and present agents with available properties that meet their clients’ needs. The real estate trainee is also responsible for basic administrative tasks. Answering phones, word processing, and handling office mail and faxes are all part of this job.