Reiki, a touch-based healing method, is frequently used in conjunction with other treatments to help a patient heal. If you want to get your reiki certification, you can either go to a local school or enroll in an online course. There are typically three levels of reiki courses, ranging from the first level, which teaches a student the fundamentals of reiki and awards a practitioner reiki certificate, to the final level, which awards a master teacher reiki certificate.
You do not need any special skills or abilities to begin your reiki certification training, unlike other arts or healing courses. However, most students must first receive a reiki attunement before beginning their studies. A reiki attunement allows you to connect with the energy that is used to heal others. You learn to control the energy that flows through your hands during an attunement. You become a master teacher when you reach the final stage of attunement and are able to teach others how to use reiki.
When you enroll in a level-one reiki certification course, you will typically learn the fundamentals of reiki, from its history to the various types of energy systems, such as chakras and auras. Many classes will include a practical component, such as how to run a reiki practitioner’s business. A good class will allow you to put your new skills to the test on real people. You should study the manual provided, take good notes, and attend every class to successfully complete the course and earn your practitioner certification.
You might want to enroll in a level two, which is more advanced, if you want to become a professional reiki practitioner. During the course, you will usually learn how to send energy and how to study the reiki symbols. The majority of advanced classes demand that you practice reiki on a client for several sessions. You can take a master teacher reiki certification class after completing a level-two class.
You will learn how to attune others and will usually work on writing your own reiki manual to teach others from during a master teacher course. You’ll also be student-teaching and performing reiki on others. You may be required to receive reiki from another practitioner as part of some courses.
It’s critical that you get your reiki certification from a master teacher who is also a certified reiki practitioner. If you can’t find a course in your area, you might want to consider studying online. Unfortunately, an online course may not provide you with the hands-on experience that a reiki master requires.