What Are the Different Types of Rhetoric Programs?

The study of rhetoric, or persuasive speech and writing, has been an important part of a well-rounded education since the time of the ancient Greeks. Rhetoric programs are usually found in the English or communications departments of modern American universities. The types of courses available in rhetoric programs differ depending on whether they are graduate or undergraduate programs, as well as whether they focus on teaching, theory, or public communication.

Rhetoric was originally a study of formal speaking, and as such, it fit in well with other communications and public speaking courses. Aristotle’s five canons of rhetoric — invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery — focus on both the verbal content and the presentation of the content. Other rhetoric programs, which are a subset of the English department, focus more heavily on specific verbal aspects of communication, including written communication.

Rhetoric programs also differ in terms of the types of jobs they prepare students for. Some rhetorical approaches focus on rhetorical theory and how rhetoric has been used throughout history, which may prepare one for a career in academia. They could include in-depth analyses of historical and contemporary rhetoricians.

Other rhetoric programs are more pedagogical, or teaching-oriented. More often than not, these programs are found in English departments rather than communication departments. Most colleges require at least one composition course because the ability to use rhetoric for persuasive writing and speech is a necessary skill in nearly every profession. Although someone with a graduate degree in rhetoric and composition would be an ideal candidate to teach such a course, such courses are frequently taught by any available member of the English department, including those whose concentration is actually literature rather than composition.

The study of rhetoric may also be beneficial to those pursuing a career in public relations. Courses in public relations and speech writing, as well as rhetorical theory, may be offered in programs with this focus. These programs could, for example, prepare someone for a career as a political speechwriter.