What is Six Sigma Training?

Six Sigma training is a process in which employees at all levels of an organization learn how to apply and use business principles. People can train in both technical and management aspects, depending on their position in an organization. Six Sigma was founded in 1986 with the goal of using data to make decisions, reducing waste and product defects while also improving customer service. Manufacturing, nonprofit, healthcare, research, and government have all benefited from Six Sigma training. The training can be tailored to the organization’s specific requirements.

Six Sigma training is divided into several levels, each of which is dependent on the trainee’s position within the organization. Executive Leader is the highest level. This level provides information on how to improve various aspects of the company, such as production or spending. Executive Leaders develop strategies to address these areas of improvement once they have been identified.

Champions is the second highest level of Six Sigma training. Individuals who complete this level of training are frequently promoted to supervisory positions within an organization. Executive Leaders frequently train Champions because it is generally recommended that training be done within the organization.

The third level of Six Sigma training is Master Black Belt. They are trained to act as a link between upper management and the rest of the organization’s employees, often communicating management’s strategy to the rest of the workforce. Black Belts are responsible for putting Six Sigma principles into practice. They are frequently instructed by Master Black Belts.

Green and Yellow Belts are the final two levels of Six Sigma training. The primary responsibility of these positions is to lead by example in teaching other employees Six Sigma principles. The content of all of the training levels is similar, but the intensity varies depending on the level. Executive Leader training, for example, is frequently more intensive than Yellow Belt training.

There are several ways to complete Six Sigma training. There are numerous online training programs to choose from. This method is sometimes preferred because it allows people to work at their own pace and on their own timetables. There are also live online courses and textbook-based training options. If they work better with a structured schedule, some companies may prefer textbook-based training.