How Do I Start a Career in Molecular Chemistry?

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in molecular chemistry requires gathering information and applying to accredited chemistry programs. Following that, a person pursues a master’s or doctoral degree, with some entry-level molecular chemistry work thrown in for good measure. After completing his upper-level degrees and specifying his desired subfield of molecular chemistry at the graduate level, an individual is free to seek more advanced positions.

A person interested in pursuing a career in molecular chemistry should first visit the website of or contact the primary chemistry organization in his or her state or country. The American Chemical Society, for example, is the most important agency in the United States, with hundreds of facilities accredited. Academic universities, colleges, and research institutes that offer chemistry degrees and certificates are accredited by these organizations. Accreditation ensures that educational programs meet industry minimum standards.

The next step toward a molecular chemistry career is to contact program offices and request application and informational materials after finding good, accredited molecular chemistry programs. These tools and data are sometimes available on the program’s website. Gather all of the materials required for the program and apply to the programs that interest you.

An aspiring molecular chemist should earn a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or a closely related field after being accepted into a chemistry program. Analysis, inorganic and organic chemistry, physical chemistry, statistics, environmental studies, math, biological science and statistics, and computer science are all examples of classes found in bachelor’s degree programs in chemistry. At the undergraduate level, it is not necessary to concentrate on a specific subfield.

A general chemistry degree makes it easier to gain experience right after graduating from college. The caveat is that a molecular chemist without a master’s degree will be unable to find roles that require a great deal of independence or responsibility. He frequently lends a hand to a more senior chemist. As a result, most chemists who want to work in the molecular field pursue a master’s or doctoral degree, which is required for most research positions. If desired, the individual chooses a subfield of molecular chemistry, such as polymer or medicinal molecular chemistry, during this time.

Employers prefer molecular chemists who have worked in the field. This experience demonstrates that a chemist can work in groups as well as independently, and that the chemist has the necessary education to conduct work safely in accordance with current regulations. Molecular chemists can gain experience through academic laboratories, work study programs, fellowships, and internships in addition to basic entry-level positions.