What Are the Best Tips for Writing an Essay on Technology?

Writing what the student knows, using words that the average person will understand, and paying attention to spelling and grammar are the best tips for writing an essay on technology. Students should write about what they know rather than an obscure topic about which they have little knowledge. It is preferable to focus on writing the essay rather than researching an unfamiliar topic. Next, avoid using technical terms that some people, including fellow students and teachers, may not understand, especially when writing on a familiar subject. Finally, spelling and grammar are still important, and it may be necessary to double-check any spellings or grammar rules that the writer is unsure of.

Technology essays should have a theme, but technology is such a broad subject. It is usually best for the writer to write about what he or she is familiar with. A student who is familiar with and interested in medicine, for example, might write about nanotechnology. If the writer isn’t familiar with most technology, he or she can write about technology in general, its history, and recent discoveries. However, some teachers dislike broad topic essays, so it’s a good idea to ask about it and explain the situation before moving forward.

In most cases, using everyday words in a technological essay is a good thing. Although it may be tempting to use long, cryptic words or terms that only a subject expert would understand, most teachers advise against it. Essays are not the place to flaunt a hidden talent for using uncommon words or to brag about a deep understanding of a technological topic. They can be used to educate, persuade, or accomplish any number of other objectives. While the goal of a technology essay can vary, it is always intended to communicate with the reader.

Before submitting an essay, every student should proofread it at least once. Even the best writers cannot write a perfect piece on their first or second attempt, and some argue that no one can perfect a piece of literature without the assistance of an editor. If a student is unsure about something, a quick Internet search or a glance through a dictionary or grammar textbook will reveal the proper usage of the word or punctuation mark. There are also programs that check text for spelling and grammar mistakes, but these aren’t always reliable and aren’t always acceptable to a teacher.