How do I Become an Umpire?

The first step in becoming an umpire is to decide which sports you want to officiate. Baseball, cricket, and American football all have umpires. Although there is a position responsible for ensuring that the rules of the game are followed and making decisions in all organized sports, the term “umpire” is only used in these three sports. An umpire could be someone who is a regular participant or fan of these sports.

An umpire’s main responsibilities include enforcing game rules, making decisions and judgment calls, and resolving discipline or behavior issues. A thorough understanding of the rules and requirements is required. In addition to this knowledge, the ability to work with fans, athletes, and other members of the officiating staff is critical. Because behavior management and discipline is a growing area in professional sports, conflict resolution and management skills are becoming more important.

Many organizations offer short training and testing programs for those interested in becoming umpires at the junior level. The Little League® and the Babe Ruth League® are the most popular programs for becoming a baseball umpire in the United States. To learn how to become an umpire for a local baseball league, speak with the league’s organizers.

A typical umpire training program lasts eight to twelve weeks and is divided into two parts: rules and judgment calls. Anyone interested in becoming an umpire must have a thorough understanding of the sport’s rules. Almost half of an umpire’s training program consists of guidelines for making judgment calls.

The path to becoming a professional umpire is long and difficult, with a low success rate. To become an umpire in Major League Baseball®, you’ll need seven to ten years of professional experience. Long hours, extensive travel, and personal sacrifice are all required of anyone wishing to work as an umpire.

You must enroll in either the Jim Evans Academy of Professional Umpiring® or The Harry Wendelstedt Umpire School® to become a professional baseball umpire. These schools provide a five-week training program focused on the skills needed to become an umpire. The top students are then invited to participate in the Professional Baseball Umpires Corporation® evaluation course. Successful students are then qualified to work as umpires in the minor leagues.