How do I get Commercial Diver Training?

To obtain commercial diver training, you must first meet the application criteria, then choose a school, complete the coursework, pay the tuition, and pass the exam. Commercial diver training is available at a few community and career colleges, but private diving schools are the most common providers. A commercial diver dives into large bodies of water with specialized equipment. They can stay submerged for long periods of time and are frequently used in search and rescue and salvage missions.

You must have a diving license and pass a physical examination to apply for commercial diver training. To ensure that all commercial divers are over the age of 18, most states have age requirements. This requirement is not considered discriminatory because it is based on liability and health concerns.

The commercial diver training programs usually last eight to twelve months. Dive techniques, search methodologies, psychological preparation, and physical health monitoring are among the topics covered in the courses. There are two parts to the training program: theory and practice. The first part is taught in the classroom and covers equipment management, oxygen calculations, and emergency responses.

Students can learn how to move in different types of water, manage breathing equipment, and communicate with the team during the practical or diving component. Each student is assigned a diving instructor by the majority of schools. The student and instructor go into the water together for the first few weeks. The instructor gradually spends more time on the boat, keeping an eye on the student.

When choosing a school for commercial diver training, it’s crucial to look into the school’s reputation. Schools with a good reputation have invested a lot of money, time, and resources in the program over a long period of time. They are dedicated to delivering a high-quality program and are concerned about your long-term health and well-being.

Commercial diver training programs range in price from $5,000 to $8,000 USD (USD). The fee for renting the boat, breathing apparatus, and other related equipment is included in this price. Many commercial diver training programs are available part-time, allowing students to work and study at the same time.

A commercial diving license examination consists of a combination of written and diving tests. Regulations, laws, and safety guidelines are covered in the written portion of the exam. A licensed diving examiner conducts the diving portion of the exam. Underwater maneuvers, descents, ascents, and communication methods are all covered in this section.