What are the Different Types of Flight Training Software?

For those interested in learning to operate various types of aircraft, there is a fairly large selection of flight training software available. Because most programs are focused on a single aspect of flight training, completing an entire course and preparing for exams may necessitate the use of several different programs. Radio communication training, learning the laws and regulations of flying, understanding the various dials and meters in a cockpit, and flight simulators that allow a person to get a sense of how an airplane or helicopter reacts to controls are all examples of different types of flight training software.

Flight training software is a type of computer program or playable media that uses a variety of interactive methods to convey information about learning to fly. This type of program, for example, could include radio training software that allows a pilot to learn and practice proper radio communication while flying. This type of program usually includes dozens of hours of recorded audio from actual conversations with industry professionals, as well as guides to help a person understand what is being said. To help improve radio communication, flight training software can include features that allow a user to record his or her responses to pre-recorded questions and then listen to them again later to self-analyze.

Some flight training software is designed to assist a new aircraft operator in comprehending what he or she will see on the aircraft’s control panel. Programs that run on a computer and allow a person to mouse over and interact with the various displays and meters on an aircraft control panel fall under this category. Without the use of a computer, less interactive software that plays on a standard digital versatile disc (DVD) player can also aid in instruction. This type of flight training software will typically rely more heavily on video instruction, allowing viewers to move around within a lesson and concentrate on areas where they need to improve. These programs are frequently used to learn about the laws and regulations governing the operation of aircraft, which can vary by region.

Flight simulators are another popular type of flight training software that allows users to practice flying an aircraft from the comfort of their own home or office. These programs, which are frequently used in conjunction with a realistic input device similar to what would be found inside an actual aircraft, allow a user to get a sense of how an aircraft would react to movements made by a pilot in a realistic manner. This type of flight training software usually includes a display with some of the meters and gauges found in a cockpit, to help a person better understand how they all relate to what’s going on with an aircraft.