How do I Become a Web Designer?

Those considering a career in web design will discover that there are no hard and fast rules in this field. Experience and talent in web design are valued by many employers over college degrees. Many web designers, both employees and independent contractors, practice and learn their craft at home using books, software, online tutorials, practice, and trial and error.

HTML and XHTML are basic languages used to code webpages, and learning them is required to become a web designer. Learning CSS, which has become popular for controlling the appearance of webpages, is also a good idea. Though there are other factors that can contribute to a person’s ability to become a web designer, these skills provide a solid foundation in the field. There are numerous ways to improve one’s skills; some people choose to attend traditional schools, while others opt for online training programs. There are also numerous books, websites, and programs that teach both beginner and advanced web design skills.

Anyone interested in becoming a web designer should also learn scripting. Many people choose to learn JavaScript because it gives them a solid foundation in client-side scripting. It’s also a good idea to brush up on your server-side scripting skills.

Learning how to use a variety of graphics and website-building programs, such as Photoshop®, Dreamweaver®, and FrontPage®, is a good idea because graphics can be a big part of web design. There are, however, a wide range of programs that can be used to improve websites. It is best to learn as much as possible about the most popular programs in order to gain an advantage in the web design field.

When it comes to becoming a web designer, practice makes perfect; building a business website to practice web design skills is a good idea. This website can help a potential web designer figure out which areas he still needs to learn more about and practice before marketing his services. When his website is complete, it can be used as a marketing tool to help him gain new clients and show others what he can do. Before the new web designer starts marketing his services, this website should be virtually error-free; this is especially true of things like photos that don’t load and links that don’t go to the right places. People are less likely to hire a web designer who has had such issues with his own site.

Designing websites for others is a good next step. A budding web designer, for example, could build her portfolio by creating websites for her friends and family members, either for free or at a reduced rate. This portfolio will help her gain paying clients by allowing them to see the types of sites she can create.

A person’s job as a web designer does not end once he has mastered the necessary skills. He might have a better chance of succeeding if he takes marketing classes or reads marketing books, learning how to target customers with graphics, headlines, colors, and ad placement, among other things. Once he has become a web designer, it is also a good idea for him to subscribe to newsletters and other resources that will allow him to stay current on ever-changing web design technology.