What can I Expect During a BLS Test?

Expect to take a written test and perform life-saving techniques in scenarios designed to simulate how you would react in the field to obtain basic life support (BLS) certification. A BLS test assesses a student’s understanding of how to respond to a heart attack or stroke victim, a choking person, an electrocution patient, and trauma scenes. As part of the BLS test, be ready to quickly identify symptoms, assess the patient, and administer life-saving measures.

Questions and scenarios involving cardiopulmonary resuscitation will be included in a BLS test (CPR). It will determine whether you know how to position a victim and what signs to look for before performing CPR. The questions and scenarios could be about a patient who has had a drug overdose, drowned, been electrocuted, or had a heart attack. Your understanding of the various CPR techniques for adults, children, and infants will be assessed.

The BLS test also includes emergency measures to assist a choking victim. You’ll be judged on how well you assessed the patient, whether you called for help, whether you properly opened an airway, and whether CPR is appropriate for the victim. As part of the BLS test, these tests are usually performed on mannequins set up at various stations. If the patient is unable to respond to questions, a coach may be present to provide information about the scene.

The BLS test also includes the proper use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). When other life-saving measures fail, the devices deliver a shock to the heart to restart it. When to use the AED, how many times to shock the heart, and what to do if the patient is a child and you only have adult-sized AED equipment are all things you’ll need to know.

A volunteer may be used to play the role of a trauma victim in some parts of the test. This individual could be in shock, bleeding, or have broken bones or joints. Questioning the patient to obtain a medical history, if possible, taking vital signs, and administering first aid until more advanced medical help arrives are all part of your job.

Some BLS tests require you to determine whether or not a scene is safe before entering in order to determine the number of patients and their conditions. At a fire, a violent crime scene, or any other situation where the first aid team is in danger, the safety of the emergency crew is critical. During the BLS test, a coach may tell you that the scene is safe, allowing you to move on to the next step.

Some BLS testing procedures also assume that you have access to emergency medical technicians in case questions or information needs to be shared. Typical exams include scenarios that require only one rescuer, while others assess two students working together. This allows the evaluator to see how you work together as a team to perform CPR or other first-aid tasks.