How Do I Become an Army Firefighter?

Enlisting in the Army is the first step toward becoming an Army firefighter. Speaking with a recruiter, taking a placement test, and passing a physical fitness test are all part of the process. When filling out the initial enlistment paperwork, you must also request the firefighter occupation. To become an Army firefighter, you must first complete basic training and then complete advanced individual training (AIT). If you want to become an Army firefighter, you’ll have to pass several physical fitness, strength, and agility tests once you start the firefighter training component of your military training.

Speaking with a recruitment officer is usually the first step in any military career. This recruiter will inform you of the military’s options, benefits, and requirements. Following your decision to join the Army, you must choose a military occupation specialty (MOS). You might be able to join the Army as a firefighter depending on the field’s occupancy status. The induction into the Army is the next step in the process. To progress to basic training, you must pass a battery of skills tests.

Before you can join the Army as a firefighter, you must first complete a basic training course. Basic training will improve your physical fitness, teach you about the military, and prepare you for the next phase of your training. The first job of all Army soldiers, regardless of their accepted vocation, is to become a fighting soldier. By becoming a dependable and effective member of the fighting forces, you will be required to master the small arms marksmanship requirements as well as learn military procedure and protocol. If you complete all of the requirements of basic training, you will be eligible to advance to the next level of training and become an Army firefighter.

You’ll learn about the various types of fires and how to fight and extinguish them in firefighting school. You’ll learn how to safely enter a burning building, administer first aid, and perform equipment maintenance using both water and chemical agents. As you progress in your training to become an Army firefighter, you will learn how to attack a fire as part of a team and become capable of fighting almost any type of fire.