How Do I Choose the Best Comparison Essay Topics?

Define two ways of achieving the same result or explain how two seemingly disparate outcomes are related to come up with the best comparison essay topics. The first method is based on circumstances and is known as a situational essay topic. A compare-and-contrast approach based on extremes is an alternative. The key to picking the best comparison essay topics is to choose the best framework and highlight the similarities and differences between two options. It’s also beneficial to choose a topic that interests you because you’ll know more about it and find the research more interesting than if the topic is uninteresting.

The similarities in situational comparison essay topics could be that, despite the differences noted along the way, the end result of a decision is the same. For instance, you could write an essay about two different driving routes that lead to the same location. While one route may be scenic, the other may not. The scenic route will most likely take longer and use more fuel, whereas the alternative route is less scenic but faster and may use less fuel. You could list the benefits and drawbacks of each route before concluding the essay by stating that both routes will take you to the same location.

A situational comparison essay topic that can be framed around education is another example. The end result may be a bachelor’s degree, but the path to get there is unique to each individual. Consider the similarities and differences between a bachelor of arts (BA) and a bachelor of science (BS) degree in the United States. Liberal arts classes such as language, literature, and history will be included in both curricula; however, a BA degree requires far less math and science than a BS degree. In the end, each student must decide whether to pursue a BA or a BS, but most employers regard both degrees equally.

It is best to choose two extremely different subjects for comparison essay topics that compare and contrast two related but different subjects, such as heat therapy and cold therapy for muscle tension. In terms of education, home schooling can be compared to public school. While these two are diametrically opposed, you might be able to find common ground by discussing private school as a possible compromise.

Topics for comparison essays that involve two extremes can be difficult to write with a natural flow and prose. One of many writing tips for transitioning from one extreme to the other is to find a common ground. The growth of a college graduate is an excellent comparison essay topic because it allows you to develop both sides of the story while also tying them together with the transition period. This essay topic can be organized chronologically, with before and after college as the two extremes.