How do I get an Ecology Degree?

When people talk about getting an ecology degree, they’re referring to getting at least a Bachelor of Science in ecology. Many universities offer ecology as a major, and getting into one of these schools is the first step toward earning an ecology degree. Some may have strict requirements, while others are more lenient in accepting students. Students have the option of attending both online and offline schools.

Students who plan to pursue an ecology degree in college should work hard in high school and try to take advanced courses in science and mathematics. Taking advanced placement classes may be beneficial because students who pass the final exams in these classes earn college credits. This could potentially reduce the number of college classes required.

If students don’t meet all of the requirements for admission to the college of their choice, they should consider spending the first two to three years at a junior college and then transferring to a school with a strong ecology program. This is also a great option for students who are returning to school after a long time away. Junior college fees are significantly lower, and students have the opportunity to take any remedial courses that are required, as well as all courses required during the first two years of school, which prepare students for more advanced treatment of scientific topics in the junior and senior years.

Those considering an ecology degree may be considering more in-depth studies. Ecology programs are available at both the master’s and doctoral levels. A student with an undergraduate ecology degree or a degree in a related scientific field may wish to teach, conduct field research, or simply gain a better understanding of the field.

Master’s and doctoral programs, particularly at online schools, can be more competitive. While online schools may have lower GPA requirements, lab work may be more difficult to complete, and students should always check accreditation with major accrediting agencies. When strict standards are applied to the admissions process, students should be relieved because this indicates that graduate programs are of high quality. Undergraduate programs should be viewed as a proving ground for graduate school, and students should aim for high grades to give themselves the most options for moving on to graduate school.

A graduate ecology degree can concentrate on a variety of topics. Behavioral ecology, health ecology, plant ecology, and a variety of other subspecialties are all available. Those considering graduate school should research each program to see what specialties are available. Attending a school where there are no instructors to support extensive studies in a single subject makes no sense.

In addition, students may have to choose between master’s and doctoral programs. Doctoral studies, on average, provide the best job opportunities, though this varies, and master’s studies take less time. Some programs allow students to complete a master’s degree and then continue on to a PhD program. A Master’s degree in ecology takes at least two years to complete, and a doctorate takes at least four.