How Do I Choose the Best Organic Broccoli?

Choosing the best organic broccoli is often simply a matter of taking a close look at the broccoli heads before purchasing them. When selecting the best organic broccoli, it is important to consider all parts of the vegetable, including the leaves, stalks, and crowns. In some cases, a consumer may want to read the label to see where the broccoli was grown as well. In addition, one might consider where the broccoli is located in the store or market before they purchase it.

When selecting the best organic broccoli, appearance is key. For example, the color of the broccoli florets should be a dark shade of green. They should not contain any brown, yellow, or pale green parts. If they do, it is usually a sign that the broccoli is old, and it likely will not taste nearly as good. While looking at the crown, it also is best to select heads that contain tight florets. This is a sign that the broccoli was harvested at the right time, not too soon and not too late.

It also is important to look at the condition of the leaves and the stalks as well. The leaves should not have any wilting. In addition, the stalks should not be rubbery or flimsy. It is best to stay away from stalks that are extremely large or woody in texture as well. Although many people dispose of the leaves and stalks before consuming organic broccoli, it is often a sign that the broccoli will not taste as good as heads with fresh leaves and firm stalks.

Interestingly, where the broccoli is located in a store may play a role in selecting the best heads. For example, the organic broccoli should be on a refrigerated shelf; if it is not refrigerated, it may not stay fresh as long. In addition, if the organic broccoli is located next to non-organic fruits or vegetables, it should be selected with caution. It is possible for fertilizers, insecticides, and other chemicals to transfer from the non-organic produce to the organic produce. In those cases, it is best to select the organic broccoli that is located furthest away from the non-organic produce.

In some cases, consumers may want to consider where the organic broccoli was grown when selecting the best heads. For example, if it was grown in a different country, it may have had to travel a great distance to reach the grocery store. In many cases, weeks may have passed from the time the produce was picked until the day it was purchased. Locally grown options tend to be the most fresh.