What Are the Different Types of Yogurt Bars?

For those desiring a healthier alternative to traditional candy bars or ice cream novelties, yogurt bars might prove to be the perfect choice. Yogurt bars come in two primary options, namely granola-type and frozen Popsicle-type bars. Both the granola and frozen yogurt bars are available in a variety of different flavors.

Many people enjoy granola bars as a healthy snack alternative, but some, however, might desire a little additional sweetness without adding too much fat or too many calories. With this in mind, several companies developed yogurt granola bars. A traditional, typically chewy, granola bar is coated with a sweet, candy-like coating that is made from yogurt. The yogurt layer is generally soft, with a consistency similar to white chocolate, and can cover the entire granola bar or just one side. The sweet glaze of a yogurt bar comes in several different flavors, including vanilla and strawberry, which are the two most popular.

Not all granola-type yogurt bars have a sweet yogurt layer. Rather, some types have chunks or bits of yogurt mixed directly into the granola bar itself. Again, these types of yogurt bars are usually chewy rather than crunchy. The yogurt pieces are generally vanilla or chocolate flavored and take the place of higher-calorie chocolate and white chocolate chunks. This type of yogurt bar is not as popular as the coated kind, but some individuals find it to be just as delicious.

Many people describe a granola-type yogurt bar as a candy bar because of its flavor and chewy texture. The calorie and fat content, however, is almost half that of the average candy bar. Even though the addition of the yogurt, either as a glaze or as a chocolate replacement, adds a good deal of sweetness and flavor to a granola bar, the calorie and fat content generally stay about the same or, in some instances, might even go down. If fat calories are a concern for a particular individual, it might be helpful to avoid yogurt bars that contain nuts because nuts, although nutritious, add fat and calories.

Another common type of yogurt bar is the frozen, Popsicle-type bar. This treat generally comes on a stick like an ice cream bar. It is available in a variety of flavors, including vanilla, strawberry, blueberry, and many other fruit combinations.

Quite a few people find that frozen yogurt bars taste very much like ice cream. The advantage, though, is that a frozen yogurt bar generally has fewer calories and less fat than a typical ice cream bar. This is not always the case, and some yogurt bars might even have a higher fat or calorie content than low-fat ice cream or ice milk. Consequently, if calories and fat consumption are a concern for an individual, he or she should always check the label for nutritional information before enjoying a frozen yogurt bar.