What are Some Low Carb Lunches?

You don’t have to be an Atkin’s devotee to want to cut a few carbs now and then. Lunch time is a great time to cut down on carbs and free up the rest of your day for a few indulgences or maybe drop a pound or two. At the top of the list, of low carb lunches, it has to be salads. Even packed with veggies, salads can be a great source of filling protein while being one of the best low carb lunches. Add shrimp to zest up a boring salad. Try a little new low fat cheese with low fat, low calorie salad dressing are other great options too.

If you have access to a microwave you could also enjoy soup. If you want to keep these low carb lunches truly low carb drop the bread and crackers. You’ll want to stay away from noodle or rice heavy soups. There are a number of filling low carb soups you can make yourself, like pumpkin soup. By carefully reading labels, you can find lots of soups available at your local grocery store as well.

Tuna or salmon mixed with some of your favorite vegetables, like cucumber and tomato, instead of mayonnaise makes for some easy low carb lunches. Tuna without mayonnaise should do fine until lunch without sitting a fridge for half a day, but you can always bring it in a cooler. If you’re not entirely convinced, there is a wide variety of flavored tuna available at most grocery stores. You can even add a few high fiber crackers, if you need a little something to crunch with it.

In fact any canned fish or seafood is a great option. Sardines, herring, and anchovies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients like calcium. Oysters are high in zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium. You can always add a few high fiber crackers if you want.

Quiche or frittatas make for great low carb lunches. These are wonderful for cleaning out the fridge. Add in a few leftover vegetables, some ham, chicken, or turkey and you’ve got a filling lunch. The best thing is that you can cook it once a week and snag a slice every day.

One of the simplest low carb lunches around happens to be a hard boiled egg. You can always breathe fresh life into it by deviling it or stuffing it and adding capers or bits of turkey bacon. These also work great as a quick mid-day snack.

Some other simple low carb lunches include cold shrimp with cocktail sauce, a high protein shake or bar, and even some nut butter or cheese with an apple. Cottage cheese with vegetables instead of fruit is quick and easy if you’re in a rush. You can also try some chicken salad by itself or on a bed of salad greens. There are so many options for planning your low carb lunches you’ll never get bored again. Remember to be adventurous and try new recipes to avoid getting bored.