How Do I Choose the Best Quinoa Flakes?

Choosing the best quinoa flakes involves knowing a lot about this kind of food, its nutritional value, and why it is popular with a wide range of food shoppers. Within the overall evaluation of quinoa flakes and similar quinoa products, shoppers can look for distinctive quinoa flake products that conform to higher levels of quality. Quinoa is a non-gluten type of grain that is used in many different kinds of recipes, including salads and other mixes.

Buyers who want the best quinoa flakes can get these products lightly processed to remove some outer parts of the quinoa that can have a slightly bitter taste. While quinoa grains are often sold prewashed, it is important that the quinoa used in quinoa flakes is correctly washed prior to processing, as buyers won’t be able to wash it at home. Manufacturers typically mash whole quinoa grains into flakes that can be easily mixed with other foods for a type of purée that will constitute part of a soft foods diet for babies or individuals with dietary restrictions.

In addition to choosing the right texture for quinoa flakes, shoppers can also choose quinoa flakes made from specific varieties of quinoa. Some of these varieties are considered more authentic to regions of the world where quinoa is produced, including some Latin American countries. Some of these varieties are characterized by outer color. For example, products made with some types of red quinoa are more desirable to some shoppers.

Those who are evaluating different quinoa products can also check to see if the original quinoa was grown organically. An organic label can sometimes indicate a higher quality product. Shoppers can also check to see if the original quinoa used to make the quinoa flakes is non-GMO, or not genetically modified.

Another selling point of high quality quinoa products is related to the facility where they are processed. Some makers of this food product advertise their facility as entirely gluten-free. Part of the appeal of quinoa in general is that it is a gluten-free food, which means with that those with sensitivities to gluten, which is found in wheat and a variety of other grains, can enjoy quinoa as a gluten-free substitute. A gluten-free facility further ensures that these foods will not be contaminated with products containing gluten.

Some of the best quinoa products come in optimal packaging for storage. Typically, quinoa stores best when kept away from excessive light heat or dampness. Quinoa flakes that come in sized-for-use packages, or in other more durable containers, can be more useful than products insufficiently packaged for a long shelf life.